NIA LEPS AGES-RS Study Data Analysis

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(site for illustration only, not designed by WebFirst)


WebFirst worked with NIH National Institutes on Aging Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Sciences (LEPS) to perform data analysis, re-organization and data cleanup on the AGES-RS Study Data.  AGES-RS was established collaboratively with the Icelandic Heart Association (IHA).  It began in 2002 with AGES, a re-examination of about 6,000 subjects born between 1907 and 1935 who had been previously examined in the Reykjavik Study beginning in 1967.  Goals of AGES-RS include identifying genetic and other risk factors for diseases and conditions of aging; characterizing new phenotypes for these diseases in order to study them in relation to gene function and genetic/environmental interactions; and identifying molecular markers contributing to these diseases.  Subject areas in the data tables include, but are not limited to:  brain MRI, brain MRI post-processing, brain perfusion, total cerebral flow analysis, blood pressure, cognitive functions via neuropsychological tests, eye examination, retinal examination, DEXA, tonometry, and carotid plaque assessment.  
Our team gathered, analyzed, reorganized, interpreted, and summarized research information using Microsoft Excel and SAS version 9.4. We also responds to secondary research requests and applies analytical skills and tools to support project design, situation analysis, design of market research or marketing strategy, tactics related to the AGES-RS dataset. 

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